I find that I am becoming more and more conscious that I am under attack everywhere I go, in this modern age. When I say ‘under attack’ I am not referring to any physical attack, although I am not sure that this is not coming, I refer to a dismissal of my race, gender and age as being of no importance and indeed poisonous to the rest of society. There are the full frontal attacks promoted by BLM and their like but also the more subtle approach by influencers. For example, it would be difficult to determine what a ‘normal’ family looks like from most advertising, the disappearance of the father in the family unit being most prominent. You will by now have guessed that I am an old, white, male, father. There, I said it!!!
Note that I had to insert the word ‘male’ in the above description and you might begin to see where I am going when I say that I am feeling under threat. Do I sit awake at night sitting with the shot gun across my knees in the rocking chair waiting for ‘them’ to come? Not exactly. I get mildly irritated when I see my values and ‘lived experience’ shredded by illogical politicised social justice mice. I get a little more aggravated when the word Fascist is being cast around like seeds in the wind to cover anyone and everything that the mice feel threatened by. I would like to remind them that their grand parents and great grand parents had to face real fascists who threatened their lives, country and culture in their attempt to rule the world. Not just Fascists of course. In the league table of Deaths by Dictators, Mao and old Joe Stalin rank above Hitler.
There, I have just proved Goodwin’s Law but I think that is appropriate. Anyway, the mice use the word Fascist almost as punctuation. Am I depressed by the way the mice are progressively progressing? Not really and for a couple of reasons. The first is that in the natural way of things I will avoid most of the outcomes that they collectively dream of by exiting this world and there is little they can do about that. (Thinking about my opening paragraph, I suppose they could move the date up a bit) Greta thinks that I should be threatened by climate change but I think that she will have to extend my three score years and ten a little before I see the effects that she describes.

The second is that while they are busily rewriting history they fail to read and understand it. History exists, it is real! It is not something that can be turned on it’s head and jammed into the current mice theory. It has a habit of inconveniently unfolding and revealing the truth. For that reason you can learn from historical precedent and I would suggest we are looking at a relatively bloodless copy of the 1789 French Revolution. I noted the date because the French are more experienced at this than the rest of us and have had more than one revolution. In the US they are getting closer to the establishment of the modern equivalent of the Committee of Public Safety, perhaps by the similarly innocuous title of Black Lives Matter. The third reason is that history teaches us that although technology changes, human nature tends not to. In the end an ideology that has no roots in the community has to be imposed by the intellectual elites. To maintain the revolutionary purity language and beliefs are constantly changed so that factions and therefore enemies of the revolution could be cancelled. In the end these elites lose control of the ever spinning revolutionary Top and it consumes it’s own. In the case of the 1789 revolution The Reign of Terror was ended by the execution of Robespierre but we can see the same effect in the US amongst the old and new progressives.

To extend the point about human nature, the ideolog’s view is that humans can be made perfect by controlling the environment in which they live. This means that sex becomes meaningless, language a matter of identifying your enemies and truth and logic a matter of policy. Seem familiar? The idea is to breakdown society by dismantling the belief system that had developed organically within the community. Non mice believe that people and systems are fallible and do their best to fix and improve them. They believe that life is messy, that family is the basic building block of society and that most people are mostly good. This approach defies ideologues that like boxes and rules but it has a strength because it is held together by numerous strands of emotion, culture, community and love. As such, it is a seditious cocktail that undermines the fortifications of the mice. I look around me and I see these people all around me, going about their business doing mostly good things. My belief is that these people will see the danger and unite and defeat the mice as their forbears did against the real threat of the Nazi and Communist fanatics.
In my experience ideology is a lot like religion; it’s a belief system and most people cling to it long after it becomes clear that their ideology doesn’t describe the real world.”
― China Mountain ZhangCaution in handling generally accepted opinions that claim to explain whole trends of history is especially important for the historian of modern times, because the last century has produced an abundance of ideologies that pretend to be keys to history but are actually nothing but desperate efforts to escape responsibility.” The Origins of Totalitarianism