I read an article in the FT headed, “Cheney Burnishes Profile with Trump Hearings.” (FT 23/7/22) I have seen similar articles in American publications and if I had seen this in the New York Times or the Washington Post it would not have surprised me. I have to say that I was a bit taken aback to see it in the FT and I thought that anyone who wasn’t following US politics would have been misled by the lack of context in the article. If the point of the article was only to say that Liz Cheney had benefited from Prime Time exposure I could have lived with that as a premise but challenged it as a fact. I think that it is more than wishful thinking on behalf of the quoted Democratic Congressman who suggests that the Liz Cheney Committee will save the Dems in the mid terms. The fact that this attempt to divert attention away from the President’s miserable performance, has failed is reflected in the Yahoo, YouGov poll which put Trump above Biden if the election was held today.
The article started out by describing Cheney’s determination to end Trumps political career but doesn’t explain that she is part of the ‘never Trumpers’ wing of the Republican Party. The Committee’s verdict has already been decided in advance of the hearing and her role in massaging the evidence to try to convict Trump has won much praise from his enemies. Reference to her being “..the star of the show” and it being thanks to her that, “we now have this weight of evidence in favour of prosecuting Trump.” (FT 23/7/22) are evidence of this. The fact that the Hearings are very much a Show and not a Trial is underlined by the appointment of James Goldston to produce the TV episodes. His mission is to, “hone a mountain of explosive material into a captivating multimedia presentation for a prime-time hearing,” (Axios, 6/6/22)
“Jan. 6 committee enlists media chief who buried Epstein scandal to dramatize prime-time hearing” BLAZETV STAFF, June 08, 2022
It should be impossible to mention the January 6th Committee and Liz Cheney without detailing it’s purely partisan and corrupt structure. The fact that a Congressional Committee is not allowed to pursue criminal charges is ignored by Cheney and the Democrats but the objective is clear. An example of this is the Cassidy Hutchinson episode where her ‘evidence’ was brought, at short notice, to prime time television but it turned out to be another bombshell that failed to ignite. From the start her every sentence seemed to be qualified by, ” he said something to the effect of …”. A first year trial Lawyer would have asked, ” But I am asking you what he did say.” But there was no cross examination because the entire committee, Judge and Jury was made up of people who had voted for Trumps impeachment. A unbiased Judge would have ruled out most of her ‘testimony’ because it was hearsay and as it turns out was contested by the people she quoted. The dramatic wrestling match between an unfit President and three secret service agents in the Presidential SUV has been declared untrue by the agents present. A note, written by Hutchinson and identified by her as being in her handwriting has been claimed by Eric Herschmann to have been written by him. Surely this could be resolved by recalling Eric Herschmann and the agents but the Committee declined to do this, why? Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus (see note)
It is clear that the American public would like an unbiased investigation about Jan 6 and also the summer of BLM riots that proceeded it. They would be interested in finding out how the Capital Police was so unprepared; what role the FBI played especially given it’s involvement in the Governor Whitman case; who is Ray Epps; did the Capital Police start the violence and so many other questions. Many of these questions could be answered by releasing the 14,000 hours of CCTV and body cam video that the DOJ refuses to release. Why? The American public should be able to make up their own mind based on all testimony being released to public view and all witness’s being cross examined by the Congressmen that were nominated by the Republicans. Instead we have little bits of testimony selectively leaked to the public or testimony of the quality of Cassidy Hutchinson.
There is no smoking gun, either figuratively or literally. “As of last month, according to the Justice Department, about 80 Capitol protesters have been charged with possessing a “dangerous or deadly weapon.” Examples of those weapons include pepper spray, flags, walking sticks or batons, a helmet, a taser, and a fire extinguisher—hardly the kind of items that could be successfully used in overthrowing the government.” Julie Kelly 5/7/22
Much of the evidence is already known to the public but the Cheney’s Committee has attempted to stitch together a story that falls apart at the slightest challenge. If we take the snippets and highly edited pieces of Trumps speeches, that make up the montage of ‘evidence’ supporting an insurrection charge, we can apply a simple test to see whether the attendees on that day saw it as a call to arms or, merely Trumpian rhetoric. Estimates of the numbers attending the rally vary widely, mainly on partisan lines. If we take a mid point between the Law Enforcement and Associated Press estimates we come to a crowd of 40,000. (See note) If we round up the numbers arrested for Jan 6 offences, we are currently around 850, we can say that 98% of those attending were not incited to insurrection. I understand that this is a very rough and ready test, perhaps the crowd number should be higher or lower. Certainly, the majority of charges are for parading and trespassing, not charges usually associated with insurrection but the conclusion still stands.
So why so much discussion on the partisan committee, when the article merely commented on Liz Cheney’s, new found, popularity amongst the left? Two reasons. The first is that this show trial would be impossible without her enthusiastic support and this corrupt Commission will be what she will be remembered for. Therefore, writing about Liz Cheney and not exposing the Committee is a little like discussing Nixon without exploring Watergate. The second is that I would partly agree with the articles conclusion that a Republican candidate, such as DeSantis, would benefit the most from these proceedings. However, there is another possibility that given the current Presidents inability to succeed on any issue, that it may result in a call for a strong leader which would favour Trump in 2024. It would be somewhat ironic if Liz Cheney lit the fuse that propelled Trump to a second term.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. At common law, it is the legal principle that a witness who testifies falsely about one matter is not credible to testify about any matter. Wikipedia
Rally Numbers: “Rally organizers told the National Park Service that they anticipated 30,000 people would attend. Law enforcement said the crowd size ahead of the protest was possibly as much as 80,000, according to then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. The crowd size at the rally was at least 10,000, according to the Associated Press.” L.A. Times, Key facts to know about the Jan. 6 insurrection, The facts you need to know about the Jan. 6 insurrection and its fallout – Los Angeles Times (latimes.com)
As January 6th approached I wondered how the President would approach the Capital riots, one year on. To summarise his Jan 6th speech, he managed to get through it more or less coherently but failed miserably to take the opportunity to unite a country that his administration had done much to divide. The subtext was that those MAGA right winger deplorables couldn’t be trusted with democracy and that only he and his cohorts could carry the torch of freedom handed down by the founders. It was the speech of a desperate man beset on all sides by the evidence of his own failures and so, no surprise to anyone.
To get a fresh look at the event with the benefit of hindsight, I turned to the Irish Times and was immediately struck by the editorial titled The Irish Times view on the Washington insurrection: US democracy is still under attack. (IT 06/01/22) I suppose that I shouldn’t have been too surprised but the lack of any basic journalistic endeavour to present a balanced view is very tiresome and yet another example of where the legacy press is today. I don’t intend to examine it line by line but the word Insurrection in the title deserves some attention. As the editorial staff at the IrishTimes well know, a Reuters report in August 2021, reported that the FBI could find no evidence of an insurrection.
WASHINGTON, Aug 20 (Reuters) – The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials. Reuters 21/08/21
The Times in it’s own editorial initially refers to the rioters as a ‘mob‘ that stormed the Capital and then upgraded them to ‘insurrectionists‘ mid way through the piece. MSN defined the term Insurrectionist as follows, “The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence” At this point I would like to commend the IT for not calling it an armedInsurrection as many others did. As of 1st May 2021 Julie Kelly (13/05/21) found that only 44 out of 400 people arrested were charged with either possessing or using a dangerous weapon. The list of the armoury is as follows:
Nine people with pepper spray;
Nine people with a pole or flagpole;
Four people with a riot or police shield;
Four people with a small baton;
Three people with a stick;
Three people with a baseball bat;
Two people with a taser;
Two people with a fire extinguisher;
Two people with a crutch;
One person with a stun gun/walking stick;
One person with a police helmet;
One person with a knife;
One person with a hockey stick;
One person with an ice axe.
No wonder the combined forces of the Capital Police, DC Metropolitan Police, FBI and the National Guard were overcome!
The editorial goes on to repeat the progressives trope that Trump was responsible for the attack stating, “the insurrectionists were directed by the then president to “fight” to prevent Vice-President Mike Pence from validating the electoral college votes in the official tally in the House that day.” The word “fight” used by Trump in his address on the 6th has been used by nearly every newspaper as evidence that he was urging his supporters on to defeat the government by force. The IT deliberately took it out of context. When Churchill called for the British people to ” fight on the beaches” he literally meant that people should forcibly defend their homes against the invaders. When Boris says that he will fight the next election on a certain issue the difference in meaning is quite clear and the public and the IT know it. What is strangely missing from the text is what Trump also said and this needs no interpretation,
“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” D Trump excerpt from 06/01/21 speech
Here the Irish Times and its political allies in the US have a problem. In the Cambridge Dictionary definition of an Insurrection there has to be three elements: organisation, ambition to overthrow the government and violence. The same report from Reuters stated, “Though federal officials have arrested more than 570 alleged participants, the FBI at this point believes the violence was not centrally coordinated by far-right groups or prominent supporters of then-President Donald Trump, according to the sources, who have been either directly involved in or briefed regularly on the wide-ranging investigations.” The Reuters article was published in August 2021, does anyone believe that if there was any possibility of tying Trump to any of these elements, that the press and big tech would remain quiet? Also very telling is the fact that as at Jan 4th. 2022, although unleashing the largest investigation under taken by Federal agencies the DC prosecutors haven’t enough evidence to charge any of the 710 arrested with insurrection or any like charge. Of the 71 sentenced so far, 64 were found guilty of misdemeanours’ of which the most common charge was for parading or demonstrating in the Capital. (realclearinvestigations 04/01/22) I mean parading???
Hopefully, we have dispensed with the IT and US legacy press claim than Jan 6th was an insurrection. However, the Democratic led Jan 6th. Committee is trying very hard to connect the Capitol riots with historic events such as Pearl Harbour and 9/11. They are trying to make the riot a unique event, another ‘day of infamy.’ The difficulty here is twofold. The first is that just as with the two impeachment attempts, the public has moved on. The second is that so called ‘threats against democracy’ are more common than they pretend. For example, in 2009 the Wisconsin State Capital was attacked by progressive protesters. In Texas the State Capital was invaded by Pro Choice activists and in 2017 there was the anti Trump riots in DC protesting against Trumps inauguration. We also have the invasion of the Capitol during the Kavanagh proceedings in an attempt to halt the business of Congress. If the Committee and the IT were really interested with ‘threats to democracy’ perhaps they should look at the almost year long riots of the previous year. Real Clear Investigations did a comparison of the Jan 6, 2020 and 2017 riots. The summary is as follows:
The summer 2020 riots resulted in some 15 times more injured police officers, 23 times as many arrests, and estimated damages in dollar terms up to 1,300 times more costly than those of the Capitol riot.
Authorities have pursued the largely Trump-supporting Capitol rioters with substantially more vigour than suspected wrongdoers in the earlier two cases, and prosecutors and judges alike have weighed Capitol riot defendants’ political views in adjudicating their cases.
Dozens of accused Capitol rioters have been held in pretrial detention for months, where they have allegedly been mistreated.
In the summer 2020 riots, the vast majority of charges were dismissed, as they were in the Inauguration 2017 unrest. Prosecutors have dropped a single Capitol riot case.
I think that the BLM led protests of 2020 fit the definition of an insurrectionist movement much better than the ill led and organised mob that the IT and legacy media see as the main threat to democracy. The message here is that when you discuss an historical event, context is everything. This applies not only to the riot but also to the editorial reference to electoral fraud and Trumps attempt to reverse the result. We seem to have forgotten that the last three times a Republican won a presidential election the Democrats in the House brought objections to the Electoral votes the Republican won. The House Democrats contested both elections of former President George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004 and President Trump’s win in 2016. Four years after the vote Clinton is still claiming she won. “There was a widespread understanding that this election [in 2016] was not on the level,” Clinton said during an interview for … The Ticket. “We still don’t know what really happened.” (Yahoo 20/10/20) So was Clinton and the legacy press’ claim that Trumps election was illegitimate the match that ignited the 2017 riot which resulted in 200 arrests?
The full title of the editorial is The Irish Times view on the Washington insurrection: US democracy is still under attack. Hopefully, you accept that the claims that Jan 6th was an insurrection have been disproved. By the way, a good test to ask anyone who pushes the insurrection claim, is to ask them how many people were killed that day. If they say 7, then they are including 3 people who died subsequently to the riot. If we take the remainder, on the day, one died of an accidental overdose, two of heart failure and one was shot. So who was actually killed on Jan 6? It was an unarmed protester, Ashley Babbitt, who was shot by a Capitol Police officer whilst she was attempting to enter the building via a window. I can only say that if the same procedure was applied to the BLM protested police shootings as was applied in this case we would see a repeat of the 2020 violence in a city near you today. As a foot note, Officer Sicknick was not killed by a fire extinguisher or bear spray but suffered a heart attack post Jan 6. So what is left in the article to discuss. The IT has followed the progressive line in calling voter legislation fraud, “There is a real danger that the changes could facilitate a Trumpite-Republican majority in the November midterms and even clear a path to Trump’s re-election in 2024.” (IT 06/01/22) You will note the breathless invocation of ‘the Trump’ as if there is no other proof needed to evidence the presence of evil intent in the Bills. I think that the comparison between the various red state reforms with Biden’s Voting Rights Bill is for another day but I would recommend Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections by Mollie Ziegler Hemingway as a thought provoking assertion that the election was fraudulent but in a different way than Trump argued. Think Hunter Biden and the news blackout about the contents of his laptop, during an election.
Jan 6 is a very big subject and much of the true story hasn’t been told. Video evidence has been restricted and even denied to defence attorneys on very frail grounds. The involvement of the FBI is beginning to be questioned especially after revelations in the forthcoming Governor Witmer case. Given the size of the Federal police operation, why is there no progress on the mysterious ‘pipe bomber’? The New York Times reported that at least two FBI informants were with the Proud Boys when they breached the first exterior barrier right before 1 p.m. on January 6, doing what exactly? What about accusations of police brutality, have they been properly investigated? Why was the Capitol Police so badly prepared and why won’t Pelosi release her mails concerning the Security of Congress. Are those arrested being given fair trials and why are some still in prison for minor charges, especially comparing this to the bail set for the Wisconsin Parade Killer. Where is the ACLU on prisoners rights as a Judge finds two DC Jail officials in contempt of Court stating, “I find that the civil rights of the defendant have been abused”? (thedailybeast13/10/21) The list just keeps going and as I have already stated the public has moved on. The strategy of using Trump to frighten voters has failed in Virginia and other states where the lack of any alternate Democratic policy was laid bare. The IT editorial has a second part to it which claims that, “US democracy is still under attack.” Do we really think that these mainly ‘trespasser’s’ and ‘paraders’ and rioters armed with sticks and pepper spray are domestic terrorists? Are they really a match for the forces of law ranged against them such as the DC Police, Capital Police, ATF, FBI, Secret Service, National Guard et al? The real threat to Democracy is where the Attorney General investigates parents who criticise school boards under domestic terrorism laws. The real threat to Democracy was a lie supported by the legacy press, big tech and senior government officials who claimed that the elected President was a Russian Spy. The real threat to Democracy was the corrupt affairs of Hunter Biden in China and Ukraine and the possible link to his father. The real threat to Democracy was the suppression of any reference to the Hunter Biden laptop which had an effect on the election. There are many other examples of politically driven malfeasance from Biden’s administration where the common denominator is a corrupt elite in government, the law, education, entertainment and big tech supported by the compliant press.. This is what I see in the Irish Times editorial. A willingness to buy in to a narrative that was set on Jan 6 before all the facts were clear. A hysterical clinging to the bogeyman Trump and an unwillingness to commit to good, well balanced journalism.
A recent decision by the Court of Appeal caught my eye because it concerned housing self identified female trans prisoners in female prisons. My interest had been tweaked because I had referenced a similar case in an essay in April 2019. (“Teeny – Weeny” O’Connor ) The facts of this case are that a female ex prisoner claimed that she had been sexually assaulted, whilst in prison, by a trans gender female (biological male). The trans female held a gender recognition certificate (GRC) and had previous convictions for serious sexual offences. (BBC 2/07/21) The plaintiff argued that women prisoners are placed at a higher risk when trans women are allowed to opt to serve their prison sentences in woman’s prison. In strict summary the Court found that the Minister of Justice (MOJ) acted lawfully under the terms of the Equality Acts, especially the Equality Act 2010. The MoJ (Defending) argued the policy pursued a legitimate aim, including “facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender (and) protecting transgender people’s mental and physical health”.(BBC 2/07/21) The Court did expand on the main findings in two important ways. Although it found the MOJ actions ‘lawful’ it did say that it may not necessarily be ‘desirable.’
In the first instance the Judge, Justice Holroyde, said that it was the responsibility of the MOJ not only to carry out the terms of the relevant Equality Acts but to assess the risk to the female prison population of taking such actions. As he said, “… the policies require a careful, case group by case assessment of the risks and of the ways in which the risks should be managed … Properly applied, that assessment has the result that non-transgender prisoners only have contact with transgender prisoners when it is safe for them to do so.” According to the women’s rights group, Fair Play for Woman (FPFW), the MOJ does carry out risk assessment by only allowing trans women who are considered ‘safe’ or those who have changed their gender on their birth certificate to transfer to female prisons. Of the second group those who are considered ‘unsafe’ sleep in separate quarters at night and are supervised during the day. The Judge accepted that not only was there a physical risk in this situation but it was traumatic for women to be denied their safe space, especially for those who had suffered abuse in the past. “Many people may think it incongruous and inappropriate that a prisoner of masculine physique and with male genitalia should be accommodated in a female prison in any circumstances. More importantly for the Claimant’s case, I readily accept that a substantial proportion of women prisoners have been the victims of sexual assaults and/or domestic violence. I also readily accept the proposition … that some, and perhaps many, women prisoners may suffer fear and acute anxiety if required to share prison accommodation and facilities with a transgender women who has male genitalia, and that their fear and anxiety may be increased if that transgender woman has been convicted of sexual or violent offences against women.” Lord Justice Holroyde , Spectator 2/07/21
In the second instance, the Judge recognised that rights conferred under the Equality Acts are not infinite but constrained by the rights of others. In this case the interpretation of the MOJ that their responsibility was mainly, “facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender ” (sic) Judge Holroyde made it clear that the MOJ, through it’s policies had an equal responsibility to both the trans and non trans women in the prisons.“… the policies permit, and indeed require, the necessary balancing of competing rights.” Lord Justice Holroyde , Spectator 2/07/21.
One disturbing aspect of this case was the absence of reliable statistics. You would have thought that as the issue was a matter of great public interest that the MOJ and the Prison Service would have kept extensive records of numbers of trans woman in the prison population as a whole and those that had transferred to woman’s facilities. It seems that between 2016 and 2019, 97 cases of sexual assault were recorded in female prisons of which 7 appears to have been committed by trans women. The problem is that these numbers relate only to those trans women without a GRC. There are no numbers for those who have a GRC document. (BBC 2/07/21) In my view the Judge made a rather odd comment about the lack of data and the quality of the little that was produced. He said the plaintiffs ‘claims about the risk of sexual assault were a “misuse of the statistics, which… are so low in number, and so lacking in detail, that they are an unsafe basis for general conclusions”.’ (BBC 2/07/21) This seems somewhat unfair as it seems to suggest that the plaintiff is responsible for the provision and quality of MOJ and Prisons Service statistics. It also appears to conflict with his directions concerning the assessment of competing rights as it would be impossible to do this without access to comprehensive data. Fair Play to Women agreed and noted:
We say: without proper data, and without knowing the full extent of the impact on women, how can these competing rights be balanced properly? And when does a female’s right to safety override the feelings of males? Where do we draw that line and who decides? Fair Play for Women
Karen White
This case raises a number of issues and it reminded me of my earlier essay which focused on the fallacy of social justice which was founded on equality of outcomes. As part of this essay I had made a reference to a case of a self identified trans woman who had demanded and was allowed, to transfer to a woman’s prison. Her name was Karen White and her face and history was featured in a campaign leaflet created by Fair Play for Women, as shown above. The leaflet hasn’t enough space to describe the horrendous record of this person. Let me summarise the criminal record of this woman.
Born – Stephen Terence Wood, Sentenced for two counts of rape, two sexual assaults and one offence of wounding; previous convictions for indecent assault, indecent exposure and gross indecency involving children, animal cruelty and dishonesty. Prosecutor Chris Dunn described White as an “alleged transgender female” who has used her “transgender persona to put herself in contact with vulnerable persons whom she could then abuse.” The Guardian 11/10/18
Even the above record doesn’t give the full story, whilst on remand she admitted an attraction to children and said that she would think nothing of sexually abusing them. It would be difficult to find any creature less worthy of rights under the Equality Acts and yet the authorities upheld them even though the outcome was absolutely predictable.
The Ministry of Justice has apologised for moving her to the women’s prison, saying that her previous offending history had not been taken into account. The Guardian 11/10/18
There will be those who would say that this case is more than two years old and that new procedures have been put in to place since then to prevent a reoccurrence. To those people I would say that the the procedure is still being administered by the same people who criminally put this dangerous predator into close proximity to very vulnerable women. The fact that there is no transparency in the process and that the authorities have done very little to collect data to see whether there is still risk makes me very sceptical about the good faith of the MOJ in this matter.
The Judge, quite rightly, established that there were competing rights in these cases and I will come back to that principle later. However, the framework of the Judgement suggests that there are only two stakeholders in the issue, transgender women and female prisoners. As you can see opposite, Fair Play For Women compiled a report using the woefully inadequate MOJ and Prison statistics and best estimates. The key findings are represented here and a major point is that sexual and violent crimes are typically a male pattern offence, with some 13,000 male sex offenders in Prison against approx 100 females. (FPFW) According to their estimates 41% of transgender inmates are serving prison sentences for sex offenses and if this is correct we can draw a couple of conclusions from this. The first is that there is a third stakeholder in this discussion and that is the public at large. We are able to contrast two different ways of treating sex offenders inside and outside of prison. On the outside we are able to prevent the likes of Karen White teaching at Schools, joining children’s clubs or taking part in any activity that would put her in contact with vulnerable people. Almost uniquely, her record follows her even though she may have served a sentence for her crimes. Her name is recorded on a sex offenders register which is checked each time someone is being vetted for a position involving vulnerable communities and it is a defence against any challenge to the hiring policy of an entity, in these circumstances, if a person on the list is refused a job. Therefore there is a recognised legal presumption that the risk to the community is too high given the rate of recidivism of sex offenders. Why then should a vulnerable population of women in prison be treated any differently?
The Judge in this case talked about competing rights. I would say that the first duty of the Prison Authorities is to the women prisoners basic Human Right of safety, privacy and dignity. In other words these rights are superior to those of the trans women.
FPFW has suggested that 41% of trans identifying women are sex offenders and question the basic assumption that these self identify women have in fact transitioned. They would claim that, ” … transwomen are not like women. Their sexual offending patterns are more in line with other males, and not females. As such, significant risk mitigation procedures must be in place before any trans-identifying male is allowed into a women’s prison.” In the case of those who have a record of sex offenses and who want to move to a women’s prison it should not be unreasonable to apply the ‘Duck test.’ That is,
if she walks like a man, talks like a man, offends like a man and has a man’s genitalia then surely he is a man!
As a first and immediate step any such person should be prevented from making such a move until there is a fully transparent and audited procedure in place.
At this point I would like to clarify that not all transgender inmates want to transfer to a women’s prison and that their position in male prisons is not enviable but it makes no sense to solve one problem by shifting it sideways to create a bigger one. Judge Holroyde has clarified some issues in his judgement but the question posed by FPFW has not been answered, ” when does a female’s right to safety override the feelings of males? Where do we draw that line and who decides?” What sort of tariff did the judge have in mind whilst data is collected by a strangely disinterested authority or, whilst new cases are being brought by female inmates. A rape, a couple of sexual assault’s, perhaps a suicide?
What has to be done? FPFW says that the first priority is to collect data that the authorities can be held accountable for. There must be research conducted by independent bodies into the effects on women of making any changes that may affect their human rights. I think that they will struggle to find academics of sufficient quality who will undertake this. As can be seen by the strength of the push back to any perceived challenge to the trans industry, a genuinely independent study requires people of courage who may find their careers at risk by even questioning the prevailing orthodoxy.
Unfortunately, the authorities have proved that they do not see this issue as a priority and will only act when they are forced to. This means a return to the Courts which, in turn, means that another woman has suffered unnecessarily.
The public discussion has been slow to start and the woman’s prison issue has followed the trans woman in woman’s sports case. These cases are linked but suffer from the same problem. The traditional defenders of woman’s rights have seemingly nearly all retired. Those woman of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s who marched, chained themselves to railings and burned bra’s are all strangely quiet about the very definition of what is a woman. Those who do stand up for woman rights are labelled as TERFs (trans-exclusionary radical feminist.) and vilified at every opportunity. There are notable exceptions such as Sharon Davies, Martina Navratilova and JK Rowling but it would be a brave person who hasn’t the financial security of these celebrities to risk all for principle. The case of Maya Forstater, who lost her job over her gender critical tweets has been repeated and the threat of retribution has silenced opposition to the trans industry. (See note) However, it isn’t just the fear of financial and career loss that holds back criticism of trans woman in woman’s prisons or, woman’s sport. After all, the warrior feminist of the past claim to have faced far worse in facing the patriarchy.
The National Organization of Women
I would suggest that the difference between the Feminist cause in the 1960’s and now is that todays feminists are in denial about the identity of their true enemy. Second wave feminists evolved from the counter culture wars centred around anti Vietnam war protests. “Feminists often thought of themselves as revolutionaries rejecting a fundamentally unequal and corrupt power establishment in favour of participatory democracy whereby all the voiceless and suppressed could gain a measure of control over their own lives.” (Counterculture) In this battle against Patriarchy they were supported by their revolutionary brothers and sisters who wanted to breakdown the existing structure and create a new order. For a while this disparate movement focussed around the war in Vietnam and the campaign for woman’s rights. After all, they were fighting the same enemy, weren’t they? The problem with this alliance was that that the revolutionaries didn’t see the improvements in woman’s rights as the end objective. As the revolutionaries morphed into the ‘progressives’ they sought out new victims to champion, this time Gays and Lesbians became the new cause and Feminists slipped down the hierarchy of victimhood. As the movement gained pace and political respectability, new causes had to be found and now the cause of Trans genderism, which effects less than 1% of the population, dominates cultural and political debate. There are some who see the issue of men in woman’s sports and prisons as the return of the patriarchy but if there is such a thing as the collective Patriarchy, then it’s main characteristic is that it is traditional and conservative. Redefining woman as ‘people who menstruate’, is clearly not something they would do.
“We’re living through the most misogynistic period I’ve experienced,” she continued. “Back in the 80s, I imagined that my future daughters, should I have any, would have it far better than I ever did, but between the backlash against feminism and a porn-saturated online culture, I believe things have got significantly worse for girls. Never have I seen women denigrated and dehumanised to the extent they are now.” JK Rowling
It should be difficult to take issue with Rowling’s statement where the very idea that there is such a thing as a woman is in doubt yet, looking at the response to hers and other supporters of women’s rights you can see the depth of hatred for her position. This is not from the right, not from men, not the usual suspects but from the progressives that the second wave feminists ran with. The ‘brothers and sisters’ look for a new outrage, a new cause that can galvanise the sheep into even more extreme positions and the feminists are afraid. They are afraid of losing their raison d’être, losing their revolutionary credentials, losing their positions in academia and quango’s, above all losing their influence in the progressives new society. Like the old French revolutionaries they have to prove their loyalty and commitment to each new progressive absurdity and if that means abandoning the women’s cause, then so be it. History will repeat itself, the progressives will turn on themselves because their cause has no roots, no relevance to real life and real people will reject them. But for the moment, has it come to this? Can it be that women’s rights are left to old white men like me and a handful of women? Am I really one of last last feminists left standing?
Maya Forstater – lost her case against unfair dismissal at an Employment Tribunal as a result of gender critical tweets. This decision was reversed on appeal where the Judge said that the Tribunal had erred in law. Forstater said: “I am delighted to have been vindicated. I lost my job simply for expressing a view that is true and important, and held by the great majority of people in this country: sex matters.”
Trans Women in female jails policy lawful, High Court rules, BBC, Eleanor Lawrie, 2/07/21,www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57692993
The court judgement that confirms women pay for trans rights, Spectator, James Kirkup, 2/07/21, www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-court-judgement-that-confirms-women-pay-for-trans-rights
I find that I am becoming more and more conscious that I am under attack everywhere I go, in this modern age. When I say ‘under attack’ I am not referring to any physical attack, although I am not sure that this is not coming, I refer to a dismissal of my race, gender and age as being of no importance and indeed poisonous to the rest of society. There are the full frontal attacks promoted by BLM and their like but also the more subtle approach by influencers. For example, it would be difficult to determine what a ‘normal’ family looks like from most advertising, the disappearance of the father in the family unit being most prominent. You will by now have guessed that I am an old, white, male, father. There, I said it!!!
Note that I had to insert the word ‘male’ in the above description and you might begin to see where I am going when I say that I am feeling under threat. Do I sit awake at night sitting with the shot gun across my knees in the rocking chair waiting for ‘them’ to come? Not exactly. I get mildly irritated when I see my values and ‘lived experience’ shredded by illogical politicised social justice mice. I get a little more aggravated when the word Fascist is being cast around like seeds in the wind to cover anyone and everything that the mice feel threatened by. I would like to remind them that their grand parents and great grand parents had to face real fascists who threatened their lives, country and culture in their attempt to rule the world. Not just Fascists of course. In the league table of Deaths by Dictators, Mao and old Joe Stalin rank above Hitler.
There, I have just proved Goodwin’s Law but I think that is appropriate. Anyway, the mice use the word Fascist almost as punctuation. Am I depressed by the way the mice are progressively progressing? Not really and for a couple of reasons. The first is that in the natural way of things I will avoid most of the outcomes that they collectively dream of by exiting this world and there is little they can do about that. (Thinking about my opening paragraph, I suppose they could move the date up a bit) Greta thinks that I should be threatened by climate change but I think that she will have to extend my three score years and ten a little before I see the effects that she describes.
The second is that while they are busily rewriting history they fail to read and understand it. History exists, it is real! It is not something that can be turned on it’s head and jammed into the current mice theory. It has a habit of inconveniently unfolding and revealing the truth. For that reason you can learn from historical precedent and I would suggest we are looking at a relatively bloodless copy of the 1789 French Revolution. I noted the date because the French are more experienced at this than the rest of us and have had more than one revolution. In the US they are getting closer to the establishment of the modern equivalent of the Committee of Public Safety, perhaps by the similarly innocuous title of Black Lives Matter. The third reason is that history teaches us that although technology changes, human nature tends not to. In the end an ideology that has no roots in the community has to be imposed by the intellectual elites. To maintain the revolutionary purity language and beliefs are constantly changed so that factions and therefore enemies of the revolution could be cancelled. In the end these elites lose control of the ever spinning revolutionary Top and it consumes it’s own. In the case of the 1789 revolution The Reign of Terror was ended by the execution of Robespierre but we can see the same effect in the US amongst the old and new progressives.
To extend the point about human nature, the ideolog’s view is that humans can be made perfect by controlling the environment in which they live. This means that sex becomes meaningless, language a matter of identifying your enemies and truth and logic a matter of policy. Seem familiar? The idea is to breakdown society by dismantling the belief system that had developed organically within the community. Non mice believe that people and systems are fallible and do their best to fix and improve them. They believe that life is messy, that family is the basic building block of society and that most people are mostly good. This approach defies ideologues that like boxes and rules but it has a strength because it is held together by numerous strands of emotion, culture, community and love. As such, it is a seditious cocktail that undermines the fortifications of the mice. I look around me and I see these people all around me, going about their business doing mostly good things. My belief is that these people will see the danger and unite and defeat the mice as their forbears did against the real threat of the Nazi and Communist fanatics.
In my experience ideology is a lot like religion; it’s a belief system and most people cling to it long after it becomes clear that their ideology doesn’t describe the real world.”
― Maureen F. McHugh, China Mountain Zhang
Caution in handling generally accepted opinions that claim to explain whole trends of history is especially important for the historian of modern times, because the last century has produced an abundance of ideologies that pretend to be keys to history but are actually nothing but desperate efforts to escape responsibility.” Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
Sometimes I look at an article and am surprised by the amount of outrage and personalised vilification that hits the reader. Usually, with this amount of vehemence, there is a barely concealed sub text aimed at another subject. The language used is an obvious indication and I will give you a small selection of words and phrases used in an Opinion Piece that recently appeared in the Irish Times. Let’s give you a quick sample: rats in a sack, rabid English, buffoonish mindgames, ‘secretive, toxic, nationalistic protectionism’ and sh*ts. You and I have seen worse but it does warn you that perhaps this piece is written by someone venting their spleen rather than writing from their head and heart. I am referring to an article written by Kathy Sheridan, entitled ‘UK vaccine rollout success facilitated by EU’. It is a commentary on the ongoing issue of the supply of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine. If you took out all the invective and extraneous material you are left with the EU narrative that the UK is being unfair in the distribution of the vaccine. By the way, I must give a joined up example of the sort of invective that threads its way through her argument. When criticising Britain for not solving EU problems, her analysis is as follows, “First dibs to the British prime minister who let the virus rip, presided over a new British variant, ate all the vaccines and now piously frets that Europe’s third wave “will wash up on our shores as well” because – wait for it – “we’re all facing the same pandemic, we all have the same problems”. But . . . but the third wave IS the Britain strain”. By her logic do we train our sights on the Italian’s and blame them for the first wave? Is she really saying that Boris has some hidden Wuhan type laboratory or bat caves, whichever theory you favour and has deliberately unleashed a new variant on the EU? Has Boris ‘eaten’ all the vaccines? Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, even the Sputnik jab? I would also take issue with some of the other comments in that paragraph but you can see how the whole piece is argued.
Let us try to strip out the salient points and see if there is any merit in them. We can first look to the development and contracting arrangements for the Oxford Astra Veneca vaccine. I use the full title to acknowledge the fact that this drug was developed outside the EU and only one of four production units resides within the EU. As reported by the Express, Matt Hancock acknowledged this in his address to the House.
He said he was “proud” AstraZeneca had agreed to produce the jab at cost price in order to ensure it was affordable around the world. The Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine was developed because of UK taxpayers putting the funding into the science, to the development, to the clinical trials,” he said in the Commons this afternoon. Matt Hancock addressing the House of Commons
The second point to note is that the research and development was not funded by the EU but the US and UK tax payer and this may have been reflected in the British contract with the British/Swedish company. Sheridan has a conflicting view on the rule of law and thinks that a contract is only valid if it satisfies her view. As she says, “Principle matters, and the rule of law. If decency and reciprocity are seized on as EU weaknesses and used to harm its people, should the gun be fired to prove strength? ” Her ‘Principle’ in this case, seems to be that because the EU ‘dropped the ball’ with the negotiations that the rule of law can be overturned by brute force. Neither side have revealed the terms of the contract but according to a BBC report, quoting from the Politico website, the UK had negotiated,” … a clause in the UK’s contract which says thegovernment “may terminate the deal and invoke what appear to be punishment clauses” if there is a delay in supply. According to Politico, the EU waived its right to sue the company in the event of delivery delays. The European Commission says it is now involved in a “dispute mechanism” with the company.”
The one thing that Sheridan believes in is interdependence and reciprocity, as she says, “The interconnectedness of the world, always a subject of derision to Brexiters, was never more exposed. Arguing against the EU’s proposed export ban, Taoiseach Micheál Martin pointed out that 280 materials go into making up the Pfizer vaccine, involving 86 suppliers and 19 countries.” I think that she misread Micheál Martins point. He was warning against arbitrary non legal action by the EU by highlighting the fact that so many countries are involved in the production of any vaccine. He may have been thinking of the essential ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine, produced by Croda International in the UK.
Pfizer has warned the EU to back down from its threat to block vaccines to the UK because the firm needs crucial ingredients shipped from Yorkshire
The Telegraph reports, “Pfizer has warned the EU to back down from its threat to block vaccines to the UK because the firm needs crucial ingredients shipped from Yorkshire.” Or perhaps it was in relation to the production of Novavax which is thought to be very effective against the South African variant and will also be produced in the UK. I think the subtext to Micheáls comment that should be understood by Sheridan is that if the EU “pulls the trigger” people on both sides will be hurt, not just those of her enemies.
I am really not sure how Sheridan’s claim that the EU ‘export’ of 41million doses of the Pfizer drug supports her argument. I will take it on trust that 10 million doses were sent to the UK but I don’t see how the EU was demonstrating any good will with this transaction. In the absence of any other information in the article, I would assume that this was a normal supply of a drug from a US Pharmaceutical company, shipped from it’s EU plant. Have the EU demanded the return of the other 31 million doses from the other Pfizer customers? Perhaps there was some other noble part to this export. Was the EU sending the doses to some less fortunate country at cost, as is the case with the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine? If not, it just seems like any other transaction, apart from Brussels attempts at strong arming the UK.
The real problem is there for everyone to see and is shown in the following graph. The one on the left shows the number of vaccinations administered per 100 for Israel, the US, the UK and the EU . Israel leads the group with the US and UK following at a much lower rate with the EU trailing far behind. There were many problems for the EU in trying to co ordinate an effective vaccination program with 27 countries. These include, inter alia, a slow bureaucracy, national antipathy, lack of confidence in vaccines, lack of confidence in the Commission and energy expended refighting the last war. If we take one element, that of the time taken to approve the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine we can see delay after delay whilst the UK fast tracked the process. At the same time the vaccine was being tested, a huge campaign was launched by the NHS to ensure the public had confidence in the product. Oddly enough, you could take the words from a critic of Astra Zeneca and apply it to the EU roll out. Just imagine ‘EU’ in place of ‘Astra Zeneca’ as the subject in the following extract from a BBC interview with Mr Lamberts MEP, in which he states “They commit, they de-commit, they de-commit on new commitments without any warning.” Of course he was talking about the rollout issues and Astra Veneca’s difficulty in resolving them but the quote sums up the companies problems dealing with the EU. In short, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine, after some delay, in January. Some EU countries were not happy with the statistics for the older age groups and restricted it’s use for the over 65’s. By March, France and Germany approved it for the 65 -74 age group but delayed again over fear of people developing blood clots post vaccination. EMA reassured them that there was no evidence to support these fears and distribution restarted with France restricting use to the over 55’s. Now, Germany has again stopped vaccination despite assurances from the EMA and the Commission. The absence of trust in the EU institutions and seemingly non scientific bias locally has created mistrust in the vaccine as seen in the graph from the Economist, below.
This rather hesitant approach by the EU nations seems not to chime with Sheridan’s apocalyptic picture of the experienced on the continent, ” This is not about frozen sausage meat. People are dying, battling long Covid and mental illness in the embers of crushed economies.” Perhaps, Sheridan could persuade the EU to use up the vaccine held in storage, presumable as a result of nations stop start approach to roll out. On this subject we should return to the BBC interview with Mr Lamberts, “Mr Webb interjected: “All of that would sound more cogent coming from the European side if it was not the case that there are literally millions of AstraZeneca doses that are available in Europe but are not being used and just stored.” The Belgian MEP replied: “There you have a point, I will make no dispute about that.”
“All of that would sound more cogent coming from the European side if it was not the case that there are literally millions of AstraZeneca doses that are available in Europe but are not being used and just stored.” The Belgian MEP replied: “There you have a point, I will make no dispute about that.” BBC interview with Mr Lamberts MEP
To summarise, if our “hovering Martian” that opened up Sheridan’s article, could see the full picture, what would they conclude? Simply put, they would see one vaccine produced by a combination of a UK University and Pharmaceutical company, financed by the UK’s taxpayer. They would also note that most of the orders placed for the UK are produced by the UK factories at Oxford and Keele They would see that the UK rapidly changed the approval system and with “roaring success” (Sheridan’s words) became the lead European country to vaccinate it’s population. In contrast, what do we see from the EU? We see an extended and bureaucratic approach to the contract with Astra Zeneca. UK took the risk of underwriting any liability and the EU demurred, at the expense of it’s citizens and their economy as described by Sheridan. Then the EMA delayed approving the vaccine and struggled to gain the trust of national governments to accept it’s leadership, as discussed above (an example of nationalistic protectionism?).
Ursula von der Leyen,””We were late to authorise. We were too optimistic … “
We have seen that the Commission, under Ursula von der Leyen has come under fire for it’s lacklustre performance. To some degree, the targeting of the UK is an attempt to divert attention from it’s inability to lead and adjust to emergencies. For once, Sheridan is justified in the use of her unflattering descriptions in describing the EU Commission as, “a bunch of flapping mackerel right now.” However, she is wrong in somehow attributing their response to Brexit. If that was the case the logic of her argument should be that the EU, having been liberated from those awful Brits, should have outperformed them. We seem to have reached the sub text of her article. All those references to ‘toxic nationalism’ and ‘rabid English’ and so on reveal the fire that drives her disordered diatribe. The key sentence in all her writings is, “Johnson’s programme is in jeopardy because he failed to co-ordinate and co-operate with Europe.”
“Johnson’s programme is in jeopardy because he failed to co-ordinate and co-operate with Europe.” Sheridan, Irish Times
If only those Brits hadn’t left the EU then they would have looked as incompetent as the rest of the Union. That Boris and those football hooligans, that drove all those nice Oxbridge people out of the Union, shouldn’t be able to tie their own shoe laces let alone organise a ‘roaring’ successful vaccination program. There may be plenty of opportunities in the future for Sheridan to register her glee at Britain’s problems but not this time. Britain has left the EU and is not responsible for resolving the EU’s problems. Perhaps, Sheridan should retrain her sights on to the real problem, that of the EU itself and leave Britain to make it’s own mistakes.
Irish Times, 24/03/21, Kathy Sheridan, UK vaccine rollout success facilitated by EU
It is with some reluctance that I approach my latest essay, not with my usual heightening blood pressure or, a sense of righteous indignation but with a sense of sadness and despondency. I am writing about their Royal Highness’s the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. I hardly know where to start but I suppose the event that forced them to my attention was the Oprah interview. For a couple that wanted to step away from all the media attention and make their own way in the world, they seemed to have taken a wrong turn in appearing on prime time television. It is quite obvious that a quiet retirement was never an option and I am pretty sure that we will find it difficult to avoid them as they tell their ‘lived experience’ of Royal oppression to a gullible Oprah audience. I had formed my opinion of the Sussex’s character some time ago and felt that with the move to Canada the divorce between them and the Monarchy suited both parties and the country.
However, I knew that given their lack of character that it wouldn’t stop there. I think that there is more than a casual similarity with the Edward and Mrs. Simpson story especially with the personalities of the people involved. I think that Harry is like Edward in that he is fragile, lazy, wants to be the centre of attention but doesn’t want to do the work. He is attracted to a dominant figure that promises to release him from the boredom and suffocation of his duties. Meghan is a ‘B’ list actress who wants to be a media ‘A’ list star and made the same mistake as Wallace-Simpson by thinking that being a Royal will give her that exposure. A bit harsh do you think? You only have to look at the carefully choreographed interview, with the Diana look and the focus on the victimhood of The LittleMermaid. The LittleMermaid!
There were so many questions that Oprah didn’t ask, that to an unbiased observer, the whole story crumbled for lack of any context or, substantiation. The claim that Meghan did no research into the Royals is beyond belief. But once they had connected, did Harry not bring her up to speed? Did he not brief her on his own misgivings about the job or the supposed Royal racism? Did he not discuss his version of his mothers story? Where was he when his wife was feeling suicidal? Who was it who made that comment about Archie? This predictable playing of the ‘race card’ was typical of the whole miasma of tales that only served to support the fantasy of the poor American innocent who was ruined by those evil Royals. By the way, it is interesting to note that Harry, having witnessed the production of the race card, then refuses to support it “That conversation I am never going to share,” Really, …. watch this space. Where there were facts they were either wrong or conflated in support of the narrative. For example, the implication that Archie was barred from being a Prince because he was non white. This was intended for an American audience who wouldn’t know that the issue of granting this title was decided by George V in 1917. Again, this story was delivered by a couple who wanted to step back from the ‘Firm’ but wanted to keep all the advantages, including financial support from Charles.
There is a fundamental misunderstanding about the role of the Monarchy in the British Constitution. As a result of the interview I heard a lot of commentary on both sides of the Atlantic about how the Royals have no power, how they exist only to shake hands and open factories but that is to miss the central role they have in modern political life. Yes, they take part in colourful and quaint ceremonies like Trooping the Colour. But note that it is the Queen’s Colour that is being trooped by the Queen’s Guards. It is not Boris or a Government Minister who takes the salute but a member of the Royal family. When you receive your tax demand through the post, the envelope is marked with the legend, ‘On Her Majesty’s Service‘ (or in the case of James Bond, ‘On Her Majesty’s Secret Service’). Judges sit on the Queens Bench, that tax demand is delivered by The Royal Mail, the policeman’s helmet is surmounted by the Royal cypher and so on. Is this just a hangover from the past with no relevance to today? Well, yes and no. It is a fluid connection to the past and a confirmation as to what it means to be British. It represents tradition and good practise but it also performs a subtle but essential delineation of political power. At the opening of Parliament each year, the Queen delivers the Queen’s Speech outlining her government’s program for the coming Parliament. This takes place in the House of Lords and the Queen sends her official, Black Rod, to summon the M.P.’s in the House of Commons to attend. The door of the Commons is slammed shut as Black Rod approaches and he/she has to knock three times before he/she is allowed in. A quaint piece of colourful drama, even down to a little heckling of Black Rod as he/she delivers the Royal summons? Yes but also a marker to show the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown and of the Commons over the Lords. This, fully costumed vignette, encapsulates British Constitutional development of the past 150 years. The Monarchy occupies the spaces where a potential challenger to Parliamentary Supremacy would develop.
My discussion of the place of the Monarchy in modern Britain is less than comprehensive. The role is complex and encompasses economic, cultural, constitutional and political aspects of Britain’s past and present. It is firmly interwoven into the constantly changing fabric of society and has had to accommodate many Harry and Meghan moments and has survived. My concern is the erosion of the sense that with rights come duties. With our obsession with living vicariously via social media and the values of vaguely defined social justice. The Queen and her father, George VI, set a moral standard for a Head of State that is unequalled anywhere else. Their example encapsulates the virtues of honesty, hard work, fairness, duty, common sense, loyalty, respect and personal responsibility. This is in contrast to the shallow lives of the Edward and Wallis Simpsons and the Harry and Meghans of this world who want celebrity status without sacrifice and claim victimhood when their demands are not met.
I was saddened to see the riot and attack on Capitol Hill last Wednesday (6/01/21) and especially the loss of life that occurred. A note of caution before we go any further. We should learn our lesson from the past few months and not jump to the conclusion that these four people were ‘killed’ as a result of the riot, as was reported by CNBC (07/01/21) . We see from the same report that three deaths are provisionally listed as ‘medical emergencies’ and at the time of writing there is an investigation into the deaths of Ashli Babbitt and subsequently, Officer Sicknick.
Having said that, the President has lost the opportunity to leave his mark as the person who changed the political dynamic in the States by standing up for common sense and country. The Glitterati, led by George Clooney, say that his name will forever be linked to “insurrection” and the Democratic press will make sure of that. I think that history will take another view. When all the articles from the legacy Press have faded and the Chat Shows have been forgotten the President’s Legacy will be that he challenged progressivism , forged by the elites of the press, the Arts, the Universities, Big Tech and the Democrats.
Though the Left would love nothing more, Trump supporters are not going away. The same bill of complaints leading to Trump’s ascension remains. Trump didn’t arise in a vacuum, and the Left’s mission to fundamentally transform America that gave birth to Trump and Trumpism is not only alive and well but is even more dangerous now that Democrats have captured control of the two political branches of our government.. David Limbaugh
I have to pause to highlight the sheer opportunism of Chuck Schumer comparing the riot with the attack on Pearl Harbour which was noted in a report from News 24/7, ‘The Senate minority leader’s flair for melodrama is so well known that in a city full of publicity-hungry politicians, it’s an old joke that “the most dangerous place in Washington is between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera.”‘ If we accept that this wasn’t a second Pearl Harbour or 9/11, it is serious enough to give the President’s enemies enough ammunition to compromise all the work he has done in the last four years and make the choices for the GOP more difficult going forward.
f Supporters of US president Donald Trump stand by the door to the Senate chambers after they breached the US Capitol security in Washington, DC, USA. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA
What I find interesting amongst all the talk of this being the greatest threat to the constitution is the conflation of the , rather exotically dressed leaders of the riot/ mainly peaceful protest, with all those who disagree with the liberal establishment. David McWilliams wrote a piece in the Irish Times subtitled, ‘The white working class is slipping down the US and global pecking order.’ (9/01/21) The article can nearly be summarised in following quote, “In absolute terms the “deplorables” are not much worse off than they were 30 years ago, but relative to the brown and black people who used to do their laundry, they are sinking.” He manages to introduce the Hillarian elitist term, “deplorables” early in the diatribe but doesn’t really define who he means. They are white, of course and male perhaps the above picture could serve as an identity kit to mark out his targets. Most of the support for his contention that these ‘deplorables’ are entitled and resistant to change seem to be rooted in the 19th century. One of the few modern examples he uses refers to the high success rate of West African immigrants in employment. He produces no evidence that the white working class, have demonstrated against any immigrant who would contribute to the common good. Was he saying that this demonstrates the high level of education in Africa that will fuel the increased competitiveness of the continent with the U.S.? If so, that will affect everyone and I would suggest that given the education levels in different ethnic groups that the white working class will not be the most impacted. I would add that it wasn’t the ‘deplorables’ who discriminated against Asian immigrants who wanted to access higher education but the Harvard elites.
What do we make of this sort of stereotyping ? The first thing to note is that the left have learnt little over the last number of years. If we take Brexit as an example the Remainers created a straw man of the typical Brexiteer. He was white, male, probably an ex football hooligan with a Union Jack T Shirt and aggressive tattoos. His only political belief was that immigration was bad and that you couldn’t trust foreigners. The Remainers continually called the Brexiteers ‘racist’ and reiterated the Clinton line, “it’s the economy stupid”. What they hadn’t noticed was that the debate had shifted and the question was now the same one that Maggie Thatcher posed, who is running the country? Cummings had found disenfranchised voters who knew that their voice wasn’t heard by those in power. The issue was now cultural, political as well as economic. As with the Clinton (Hilary this time) election the left in the UK was shocked to see the collapse of the ‘Red Wall’ and suffered a resounding defeat. David McWilliams may be correct in his economic forecasts, although perhaps he could tone down his glee over the demise of the U.S. but empires rise and fall and he is right that change is the natural order of things. What I don’t see is half of the voting public in the picture he has drawn. Statistically some of that number has to be non white. He refers to the, “…. brown and black people who used to do their laundry.” Does he know any working class people? Is he suggesting that the working class own or, ever owned slaves? He mentions that soon women will have more wealth than men, does the working class not have a few women amongst them?
What he and his elitist colleagues have done is to draw a very narrow picture of anyone who opposes their narrative. He has created a straw man, a member of the ‘American Honky-Tonk Bar Association.’ complete with cowboy boots and AK47. After applying the racial, gender and classist filters to conservatives there are no women, no people of colour, no one with any education, no one outside this imaginary group. He accuses the working class of feeling entitled but I would suggest that they are not looking for a hand out, as are the various lobby groups of the progressive left but rather a hand up. They are not afraid of work, something he might discover if he ever actually talked to anyone outside of his bubble. At the beginning of the First World War the British Army was called “Contemptable” by the Kaiser and they happily adopted this name and became the ‘Old Contemptables’ that eventually defeated him. By the same token I am happy to become one of the ‘deplorables’ and look forward to the return of common sense and respect to all my fellow country men/women. There are two effects of applying the Goebbels principle; one has been amply demonstrated over the past four years where you repeat something untrue like, ‘Trumps is a Russian Agent’ and through sheer repetition the base start to believe it. The second effect is that you start to believe it yourself.
David Limbaugh, 8/01/21,www.dailywire.com/news/limbaugh-trumps-agenda-must-survive-his-presidency.
Four Dead After Pro-Trump Rioters Storm Capital Jennifer Elias, Kevin Breuninger, Marty Steinbergw.cnbc.om/2021/01/07/four-dead-after-pro-trump-rioters-storm-capitol.htm
Capital rioters can’t stop the economic forces undermining their tribe., David McWilliams, 9/01/21,www.irishtimes.com/news/world/us/us-election/david-mcwilliams-capitol-rioters-can-t-stop-the-economic-forces-undermining-their-tribe-1.4452498
“Happy what would be Notting Hill Carnival my beloved London” Adele
You couldn’t describe me as a great fan of Adele but I surely qualify as a casual fan with four of her songs on my Spotify favourites list. I had heard about her weight loss and attendant criticism and thought, go for it girl, never mind the be-grudgers. I see that she has attracted even more be-grudgery by posting a picture of herself wearing carnival costume featuring the Jamaican flag. I have to say that she looks fantastic although not sure about the hair do. The problem was that she was dressed, carnival style whilst lamenting the cancellation of the Notting Hill Carnival this year and this woke up the woke police who accused her of cultural appropriation.
Now there are a couple of issues I have with Adele, the first is her politics which is left of mine but she will see the error of her ways as she gets older and wiser. The second is not so easy to fix as she comes from Tottenham and as we all know Tottenham Hotspur is the poorer side of the London derby with Arsenal. I am not calling for her cancellation for supporting the wrong team as the statistics are enough to make the point i.e. Arsenal won 77 league matches against 59 by Tottenham to date. Apart from that, I don’t see any cause for the sensitive and idle to go into frenzy mode and talk of cultural appropriate as though Adele was proposing a pogrom against the Caribbean community in London. The local MP, David Lammy, put it in context,” This humbug totally misses the spirit of Notting Hill Carnival and the tradition of ‘dress up’ or ‘masquerade’ .Adele was born and raised in Tottenham, she gets it more than most. Thank you Adele. Forget the Haters.”
On a historical note, the Carnival grew out of the Notting Hill riots in the 1950’s and was an attempt to ease racial tensions. So, much like the St Patricks Day Parades around the world it is intended to celebrate ethnic pride but also to welcome and share with other cultures a wonderful and joyous occasion.
Carnival is rooted in Caribbean culture, with its Windrush-generation influence remaining strongly evident, it is at the same time characteristically ‘London’ – today’s modern London. CVT
If you have read the home page of this Blog you might be under the impression that the writer would never attend such a noisy and crowded event. But I was there and have the T Shirt to prove it. You can imagine this rather subdued person entering the world of sheer exuberance, ground shaking music and firework coloured characters as they danced and sang in pure joy. The Notting Hill Carnival is part of all London and all of London is part of it, no one has cultural ownership here.
Just as a matter of interest, a round of applause to anyone who can calculate the highest number of PC sins committed in the essay so far. I have come up with four but think that we could increase this score with a bit of effort. Go for it Girl in the first paragraph must score at least two strikes. In the meantime, in the real world, thank you Adele for bringing some joy, fun and colour in an increasingly puritanical grey world. I am sure that your beloved London returns your salutations and wishes you, in turn, a Happy Notting Hill Carnival Day.
Carnival Village Trust, https://nhcarnival.org/nhcs-story
If nothing else, the current Corona virus pandemic has focussed us on the need for data to assess risk and to inform policy. However, it is one thing to produce data and another to weigh it’s validity and to interpret what the underlying message is. It is with this in mind that we must be very careful how we judge how well our decision makers have performed in the current crisis. The real test is that of a historian who will ask whether any other course of action was viable given the background ‘noise’ and ‘chatter’ and contradictory expert advice.
Having said that there was one set of data that caught my eye as it touched on not one but two of my previous essays (see below). In an article in The Times, Kat Lay had reported that the doctors in the NHS were concerned that patients were holding off attending A&E because they were afraid of catching the Corona virus. For English hospitals, the number of attendees had fallen by 57%, comparing April 2020 with April 2019. In whole numbers, that means a reduction of 1.2 million visits, month on month. “Dr Nick Scriven, immediate past president of the Society for Acute Medicine, said the drop in A&E attendances was “a significant concern” and people’s conditions may have worsened as a result.
“This is a ticking timebomb in itself and it will be exacerbated by a myriad of other pressures in the coming weeks,” he said.”(The Times 14/05/20)
Of course there are some obvious reasons for the decline in numbers mentioned in the article and referenced on the graph opposite. Working from home means that there is far less traffic on the roads and partly for this reason there were 27,000 fewer ambulance calls y-on-y. What is missing from the article and the medical references, is voiced in the comments attached to the article and was the subject of my earlier essays (see below). It is the elephant in the room. Let’s take a couple of comments that give a flavour of the frustration of readers with the journalist, for not asking the obvious questions.
Willie Deadwilder: Surely this is to be expected. Fewer drunks on the streets means fewer admissions to A&E plus fewer people at work means fewer workplace accidents. It’s not rocket science.
Lenny:Of course you are right. Why can’t our dozy journalists do some basic research or ask the right questions to A&E staff? It does not fit with the prevailing narrative of doom and gloom.
Paramaniac: I work in the Ambulance Service and all I can say is thank you lord, thank you so much for giving us a small break in the mind numbing incessant c**p we normally go to.
I realise it won’t be for long and once C19 is over we’ll be back to doing the incessant mind numbing c**p we do in the Ambulance Service but thanks for while it lasted.
What wasn’t discussed in the article was the effect of those who either attend A&E because it is free or, they can’t be bothered to go to their GP and those who attend because of anti social behaviour. Of course, there are a number of people who don’t attend, who should attend. There are those who feel that they shouldn’t bother the Health Service at this time and stoically suffer on when they should seek help. There are those who are afraid of catching the virus, whose condition will deteriorate and they will be one of the ambulance calls that will become an emergency. What we don’t see in this article is the reason for the paramedics prayer of thanks in the Comments.
How does this article and it’s omissions connect with my two essays on the subject. The first one, entitled Minister for Health (03/09/18 see below) described my reaction to the unveiling of a new health plan entitled Sláintecare. I suggested that a plan cannot be a plan without costings otherwise it is merely the Ministers aspiration. I went further to suggest that there appeared to be a dearth of management information that would serve as a platform for making plans. For example, at the time there was a lot of heat being generated about people on trolleys in A&E. However, there seemed to be very little light in the way of in depth verifiable data on the subject. We just about knew the number of people involved but even this was a source of dispute between the HSE and A&E Unions but beyond that, very little. My second article Addendum to the ‘Minister of Health Article (01/03/20 see below) followed up on the first one by commenting on the statistic that in 2018 the HSE conducted a survey of 293,976 hospital discharges and found that 33,929 (11.5%) patients were discharged the same day and 55,510 (18.8%) were discharged within 24 hours. There seemed to be a curious lack of interest as to why this was the case. The lack of Junior Consultants at night was one guess that was hazarded but there appeared to be no real effort or, ambition, to discover how many of those discharged within 24 hours should have been there in the first place.
We can sense a theme running through these observations with similar characteristics. First of all and most obviously there seems to be a dearth of detailed information in relation to Health issues. The issue of under resourcing A&E has been a long running story for a number of years but we only see a large scale survey being made in 2018. I have yet to see a comprehensive breakdown on these numbers that would be the basis for solving the problem. Secondly, part of the reason for lack of any cohesive logical response is the quality of reporting. In the case of the current Times report perhaps Kay Lay should take Lenny’s advice in the Comments section and do a follow up article based on an interview with Paramaniac or, one of his/her colleagues. Thirdly, as mentioned in my first essay, there is no responsibility for value for taxpayers money in the Health service. The Children’s Hospital is a prime example of this. For one of the most expensive capital projects in the health service there was an incompetent political and managerial oversight of the project. There has to be far more transparency and ownership of all parts of the health service. In my essay I suggested that there should be an independent internal audit section that would publish its findings on a regular basis and make clear who is responsible in cases of failure. Fourthly, an outsiders view of the Health Service is that it is being run mainly for the benefit of employees and not the patients. I hasten to add that frontline staff are heroically trying to perform miracles in an environment that seems to be in constant crises. However, when the budget is increased there never seems to be any question of making efficiencies, for example reducing administrative staff in favour of front line and medical support staff. Instead, what we see is a form of internecine warfare to make sure that everyone in the industry gets their share. Perhaps that is too harsh a criticism at a time where frontline staff are risking their lives but I think on reflection there is a feeling that they are, ‘Lions led by donkeys’. Lastly, the poor old politicians must share in the ‘Donkey’ category. They have distanced themselves from the management of the service and are reluctant to get bogged down in any attempt to make it more efficient and up to date. The inmates run the asylum and react very strongly to any attempt to change the status quo.
Having said that, there is much to treasure and we see, on a daily basis, the commitment and self sacrifice that health workers are prepared to undergo in their service to others. It is the system and management, both political and operational, that need to change to match this level of service.
The Times, 14/05/20, Kat Lay, Coronavirus: A&E visits plunge to lowest on record,
Now and again you come across an report or, some data related to an article you wrote at an earlier date. Such an article appeared in the Irish Times, under the heading, “30% of admitted patients discharged within 24 hours is ‘absolutely crazy'”. It seems that in 2018 the HSE conducted a survey of 293,976 hospital discharges and found that 33,929 (11.5%) patients were discharged the same day and 55,510 (18.8%) were discharged within 24 hours. In times where health service resources are stretched the first question that comes to mind is how many of these patients should have presented at the hospital at all. The article did go on to give some context to these number and in the absence of any published detail we have to be careful about drawing conclusions. For example, a percentage of patients would have been discharged from one hospital to be transferred to another for specialised treatment. Also, the consultants are quick to point out that often junior staff are left to cover the out of hours shifts and do not have the training, experience or, confidence to discharge patients and so they are given beds until a more senior colleague can make the decision.
I wouldn’t think for a moment that Simon Harris follows my Blog but it is coincidental that the survey was conducted in the same year that I wrote an article about the importance of getting the raw data together and analysing the numbers before tipping even more taxpayers money into the Health industry money pit. (See the link to the 2018 article below) In the absence of any other published material I can find, I find it astonishing that the survey was conducted as late as 2018 and that the conclusions are only reported in 2020. I assume that further investigations are being made into the type of health issue presented and whether HSE resources were being used in the best way.
I hope that what we are seeing is like the proverbial duck above water whilst all the activity is below the waterline, soon to be released to an unsuspecting public. I say ‘unsuspecting public’ as nothing approaching a set of clear management accounts has emerged from Simon Harris or, the HSE and I think that the tax payer would be astonished if something like a sign of good management and governance should appear in the near future. In the recent election I saw many promises of extra expenditure on public services but very little mention of getting value for money. Just throwing money at a problem solves nothing. There is no alternative to understanding the fundamentals and drivers of the Health Service but what has filtered through to the public is very disappointing.